Results for 'Nataliia S. Khatniuk'

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  1.  18
    Private Enforcer as a Participant of Legal Relations in the Executive Process.Nataliia A. Sergiienko, Olga M. Baitaliuk, Nataliia S. Khatniuk, Oksana I. Chapliuk & Nelli B. Pobiianska - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1293-1310.
    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in the reforms of the system of compulsory enforcement of decisions stipulated the possibility of performing these functions by private enforcers. The purpose of the article is to consider problematic aspects of the legal status of a private enforcer as a participant of legal relations in the enforcement process. The results of the study contain generalizations on the analysis of the legal status of a private enforcer, proposals for amendments to (...)
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  2. History, Structure, Explosion.Nataliia S. Avtonomova - 2009 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 48 (2):28-46.
    The author reappraises the legacy of Soviet philosopher of language Yuri Lotman and of his Tart—Moscow Semiotic School. She argues that he was neither a dissident nor a servant of the regime, and that he always remained a structuralist.
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  3. Сходознавчий гурток наукма: Історія та сучасність.Nataliia Pavlyk & Maryna Mudrak - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1:106-107.
    This report presents the activities of the Oriental Studies Circle, which was founded in 1993 and reborn in 2012 as a scientific and educational organization. Its aim is to do research in such areas as philosophy, culture, and religion of the countries of the Middle and Far East. The leading type of the circle’s work is the lectures made by specialists in Oriental studies, philosophers, representatives of various religious traditions, and travelers.
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    Oral History of Philosophy: Method, Methodology, (Future) Discipline?Nataliia Reva & Amina Kkhelufi - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):44-50.
    Natalia Reva's interview with Amina Khelufi, devoted to the status of the oral history of philosophy, modern research in this field and prospects for its development. This interview is an Appendix to Natalia Reva's article published in this issue of Sententiae.
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    Ecocritical Study of the Chornobyl Disaster (Based on Materials of Contemporary Literature of Fact).Nataliia Rozinkevych - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:204-225.
    The effects of humankind during the Capitalocene period caused planetary changes that resulted in the devastation and destruction of the Earth. The nuclear tragedy at the Chornobyl NPP on April 26, 1986, should serve as a constant reminder to society as it provided an example of dysfunctional totalitarian management. The topic of Chornobyl has become socially tiresome in recent years due to the trivialization of this large-scale anthropogenic, ecological, economic, and humanitarian disaster. The image of Ukraine as a hazard area (...)
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  6.  25
    P. P. S. obversion: Is a real human being written?Nataliia V. Zahurska - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:8-14.
    This article considers the state of human beings in a post-postmodern conditions and focuses on obversion as one version of posthuman reality in polyversion, which is lusciousness. Obversion is regarded as a logical and at the same time dynamic figure of dis-identity and non-presence. Trying to find out if a real human being is written leads one to consider the relationship of real and written reality and the possibility of posthuman writing. Posthuman writing becomes apparent in tracks, traces, scars and (...)
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  7. Transformation of the French Pattern of a Naturalistic Character in Ivan Franko’s Literary Works.Nataliia Yatskiv - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:183-200.
    The article deals with the means of constructing a naturalistic character, the model for which was proposed by French writers: the Goncourt brothers and Émile Zola. Naturalists draw their personage concept from the interpretation of its biological nature. The focus of its depiction is shifted to the study of fundamental features of human nature rather than “variables” of the historical forms of its manifestation. A naturalistic character, being “a biological being” rather than “a set of social relations,” is completely absorbed (...)
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  8.  8
    Academic Dialogue Against the Background of War.Nataliia Viatkina - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica Estonica:156-159.
    This essay considers calls to boycott working with the Russian academy after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Against the view that such a boycott would prevent Western academics from working with their Russian colleagues to counter Kremlin propaganda and to co-produced Western-Russian research that may benefit everyone, I argue that the Russian censorship and policing of the academy combined with Russian ideology means that there are currently no conversation partners for Western academics within the Russian academy.
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  9.  35
    Science, Creative Activity and Academic Plagiarism: Connections and Contradictions.Nataliia Rybka, Oksana Petinova, Irina Kadievska & Zoia Atamaniuk - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (2):81-101.
    In the study, the phenomenon of academic plagiarism is considered a result of creative scientific activity, which exists in a certain institutional design and is immersed in the appropriate environment and economic, socio-political circumstances. The study uses philosophical principles as a method—humanistic, historical, comprehensiveness and determinism, system and practice, specificity and activity. The historical retrospective shows that theft and misappropriation of other people’s intellectual property existed already in ancient societies. The prevalence of the phenomenon and the ambiguity of its interpretation (...)
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  10.  35
    Ethical Consciousness of University Students in the Context of Postmodernism.Nataliia Shevchenko, Maiia Shypko, Liubov Dolynska, Olena Stroianovska, Galyna Gorban & Olena Temruk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):472-496.
    The article describes theoretical views on the development of ethical consciousness in Ukrainian university students in the context of postmodernism, using the data from quasi-experimental psycho-pedagogical measurements. The article aims to specify the process of developing structural components of ethical consciousness in Ukrainian university students, who de facto (culturally and socially) are still gaining the experience of late postmodernity. The following methods were used at the propaedeutic, quasi-experimental and resumptive levels: theoretical-methodological analysis of relevant scientific-methodical sources; selection of relevant diagnostic (...)
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  11.  3
    Toward Perpetual Peace in Ukraine: Reception of I. Kant in the Literary and Philosophical Reflections of V. Vynnychenko and the Present.Nataliia Kobzei - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:71-86.
    The article offers a comparative analysis of the peacemaking views of Immanuel Kant and Volodymyr Vynnychenko, who sought to find effective mechanisms for establishing “perpetual peace on earth”. The model of the Ukrainian writer’s collectivist society represents the Kantian concept of a “federation of free states” and an alternative for the modern world without war. Common points of contact between the philosophical treatises of Kant and Vynnychenko are found and the progressiveness of the “utopian” projects of thinkers that have already (...)
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  12.  19
    Theory of Meaning, Deference and Normativity.Nataliia Viatkina - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 5:40-51.
    In the process of natural language functioning, in the speech communication, new regulations and requirements are constantly emerging that become normative. In the paper, in focus are (1) the interaction of meaning and normativity, and 2) the process of norm construal through socio-linguistic practice, namely – through the concept of deference, the phenomenon of borrowing concepts, knowledge, information from other people, linguistic communities and sources of information is considered. With the help of deference, the other side of the meaningful relationship (...)
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  13.  28
    Актуалізація українських національних світоглядних кодів як передумова світоглядних трансформацій в умовах «гібридних війн».Nataliia V. Deviatko - 2019 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 60:49-58.
    The article examines the national worldview codes as a prerequisite for national revival. The urgency of studying world outlook codes in modern Ukraine is primarily due to the actualization of powerful manipulative anti-Ukrainian processes that often take the form of “hybrid wars”. The purpose of the article is to show how and based on what principles the main national world outlook codes function during important historical transformations. For this purpose, the article investigates two information and cultural fields, which are based (...)
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  14.  28
    Lesia Ukrainka and Qiu Jin: The Confluence of Their Poetic Worlds via Translation.Nataliia Isaieva & Olha Vorobei - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:121-145.
    This article deals with the poetry of two prominent writers: Ukrainian poetess Lesia Ukrainka and Chinese poetess Qiu Jin. The diversity of wide fields of self-expression of both poetesses created the grounds for a broad and comprehensive comparison in terms of poetic, thematic, and literary similarities. The article provides a background to the translations of Lesia Ukrainka in China and accounts for the perception of Lesia Ukrainka’s poetry in China in the light of the poetic world of Qiu Jin. The (...)
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  15.  27
    Поняття комунікації: Множинність конотацій.Ishchuk Nataliia & Ishchuk Serhii - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):97-101.
    The existing among scientists convention in terms of rather free use of the term "communication" has a number of warnings. They are connected with a great difficulty and diversity of human interaction processes. This article deals with the consideration of scientific, philosophical and theological connotations of the concept "communication". Some basic attributes of this phenomenon and the assignment of communication to perform mainly its information and representative functions with respect to its participants have been considered. The existing attempts to bring (...)
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  16.  24
    The Analogy in Decision-Making and the Implicit Association Bias Effect.Nataliia Reva - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (2):25-31.
    The author stands that thinking by analogy is a natural instrument human have because of the mirror neurons in our brain. However, is it that infallible to rely on? How can we be sure that our hidden biases will not harm our reflections? Implicit Association Bias (IAB), for instance, is a powerful intruder that affects our understanding, actions, and decisions on the unconscious level by cherishing the stereotypes based on specific characteristics such as ethnicity, sex, race, and so on. To (...)
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  17. Еволюція уявлень про державу в середовищі українських православних інтелектуалів другої половини XVII ст.Nataliia Shalashna - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    The article describes evolutionary process of the ideas about the state, which were formed by Ukrainian Orthodox intellectuals in the end of the XVI - the first half of the XVII century. Established, that on the development of these ideas had considerable influenced political circumstances of Ukrainian Cossack state in the second half of the XVII century. Varied Nation orientations available in Ukrainian political elite caused at that time the political split of Ukrainian society which reflected on the church life. (...)
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  18.  38
    Уявлення про державу єпифанія славинецького.Nataliia Shalashna - 2016 - Схід 4 (144):78-83.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of representations of the state which were part of the philosophical concept of the famous Ukrainian church leader, educator, philologist Yepyfanii Slavynetskyi. It was found that the historical and cultural context in which these views were formed, included deep familiarity with European philosophy, the theory of the state developed by the Orthodox intellectuals of Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, the political struggle for the incipience of early modern Ukrainian nation in the second half of the XVII (...)
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  19.  31
    Значення уявлень про державу сильвестра косова для формування самоідентифікації ранньомодерної української нації.Shalashna Nataliia - 2017 - Схід 4 (150):75-78.
    The article is devoted to the study of the views of the Metropolitan of Kiev Sylvester Kosov on the essence, structure and function of the ideal state. An attempt was made to determine how these views influenced the formation of the self-identification of the Ukrainian ethnos during its design in the early modern nation. It was found out that the state concept of S. Kosov was formed on the basis of scientific achievements of the scientific community of P. Mogila and (...)
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  20.  18
    Problems of the Unknowability and Total Unity in the Light of Philosophy of Semyon L. Frank.Nataliia Shelkovaia - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (1):163-180.
    The article analyzes the problems of unknowability and total unity in the light of philosophy of Semyon L. Frank, set forth by him in the work The Unknowable. The author of the paper considers all the problems that arise as “icebergs” and tries to find the reasons for the distortion of the vision of the “top of the iceberg” and the “underwater part of the iceberg,” which is often unaware. The author examines the problems of the inadequate perception of reality: (...)
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  21.  22
    Speech Culture: Postmodern Dimensions of the Professional Standard.Nataliia Stratulat, Olesia Martina, Nataliia Tretiak, Mariana Hordiichuk, Evelina Boieva & Iryna Shvetsova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The article is devoted to topical issues of the culture of professional speech of representatives of the field of law, the level of which is an indicator of professionalism and general culture of the specialist in today's conditions. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive review of speech culture in the professional activities of lawyers at the present stage of development of Ukraine. In the research process, a descriptive method was used, as well as linguistic observation. The content of (...)
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  22.  25
    From narcissism to autism: A digimodernist version of post-postmodern.Nataliia V. Zahurska - 2019 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 61:6-12.
    In this article the causes and features of a shift from neurosis to narcissism and then autism were investigated. Moreover, special attention is paid not so much to the psychological or even psychiatric aspects of the problem, but to changes in the general features of a human being. Thus, when speaking of the transition from narcissism to autism, one is focusing on true autism, which is characterized by veracity, sincerity and authencity, which reveal themselves in the form of a special (...)
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  23.  17
    Deng Xiaoping's Theory of Building "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics": Theoretical Reconstruction of the Socio-Political Content of the Concept.Nataliia Yarmolitska, Katherine Gan & Andrii Minenko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):73-79.
    B a c k g r o u n d. Deng Xiaoping is considered the main architect of socialist reforms and the founder of China's modernization theory. He mastered and developed the socialist system, trying to adjust it to the national conditions of China. Deng Xiaoping believed that it was by following the course of "socialism with Chinese characteristics" that China would transform from a poor country into a highly developed one. The article provides a theoretical reconstruction of the main (...)
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  24.  35
    The Reception of Lesia Ukrainka’s Works in German: The Significance of the Concept of “Struggle”.Nataliia Lysetska - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:85-101.
    The article examines individual German translations of works by Lesia Ukrainka in various genres, which activate the concept of “struggle.” To establish the linguistic and stylistic analogues, coincidences, and diff erences of the translated works, their typological comparison with the original Ukrainian sources was carried out. It was found that key motifs in the works of Lesia Ukrainka, such as aff ection, resilience, courage, confrontation, and great strength of will and spirit are factors that form the concept of “struggle.” The (...)
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  25. Lev Platonovich Karsavin’s All-Unity Is All-Unity? Phenomenology of All-unity in Philosophy, Religion and Sacred Art.Nataliia Shelkovaia - 2025 - Dialogue and Universalism 35 (1):89-109.
    The article attempts to identify the essence of genuine, not limited by a confessional framework, all-unity in philosophy, religion and sacred art. It is focused on the philosophy of all-unity by Lev Karsavin. The idea of all-unity is illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing Vitruvian Man. The disclosure of its symbols allows us to see various manifestations of all-unity from the level of human to the Universe. These same aspects of allunity can be found in the teachings of Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius (...)
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  26.  33
    Posthuman in a secret s/p(l)ace.Nataliia V. Zahurska - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:8-16.
    In this article posthumanistic aspects of the problem of secret s/pace, i. e. both spaces and place were researched. Differentiation of a space and a place, a secret and a mystery was made. A manifold of a conception of secrecy from a tendency to keep a secret of s/pace carefully to claim to demystify a place completely is investigated. Philosophy, philosophical anthropology especially, appears as geophilosophy, human geography in this case. Thus a conceptualizing human being is surveying in a friendship (...)
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  27.  24
    Legal support of gender policy and the correlation with the concept of “equality of rights”.Nataliia A. Bukovynska, Iryna V. Chekhovska, Aliona S. Romanova, Yuliia V. Vyshnevska & Natalia V. Lagovska - 2022 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 13 (1).
    Ambiguous interpretation of the concept of gender equality has caused problems in understanding and legal support of the concept of gender. This and the global democratic process contribute to the relevance of the issue and generate the need for its thorough study. The article aims to define the essence of the concept “gender,” analyze the legal support of gender policy, and develop proposals for its improvement in Ukraine. In the study, we applied theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization) and empirical (observation) (...)
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  28.  52
    V.V. Rozanov An Interview with V.G. Sukach.Nataliia Skorobogat'ko - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 31 (3):79-87.
    We preface our publication of V.V. Rozanov's articles with a conversation between Nataliia Skorobogat'ko and V.G. Sukach, both of whom have spent much time studying the works of V.V. Rozanov.
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  29.  20
    Confirmation Bias in Argumentation Processes.Anatolii Konverskyi & Nataliia Kolotilova - forthcoming - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article is devoted to the study of confirmatory distortion as a cognitive bias within the framework of the modern theory of argumentation. In the context of this study, the effectiveness of the critical questioning technique as an argumentation strategy aimed at reducing the negative impact of confirmatory bias is considered. M e t h o d s. To achieve the goals of the research, the method of critical questions is (...)
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  30.  21
    The Information Revolution in the Post-Industrial Society: Dangers in Political Processes.Olga Kravchuk, Nataliia Shoturma, Ganna Grabina, Iryna Myloserdna, Vitalii Vedenieiev & Anastasiia Shtelmashenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):113-126.
    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the information and computer revolution has made it possible to create and include in the system of social circulation such information flows, which are currently sufficient to ensure the most rational use of nature, demographic, economic, industrial, agricultural and spiritual and cultural development of mankind. The phenomenon of the information revolution is the result of two parallel processes that can develop throughout history: an increase in the role and volume of (...)
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  31.  24
    Management of Economic Security in the High-Tech Sector in the Context of Post-Pandemic Modernization.Andriy Shtangret, Nataliia Korogod, Sofia Bilous, Nataliia Hoi & Yurii Ratushniak - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The accelerated rates of scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main factors of production play a leading role in ensuring the economic recovery of national economies, in particular in the conditions of the existence of today's post-pandemic consequences. The technological development of the leading countries of economic development poses difficult tasks for other participants in the world economic space to avoid a significant lag, especially in today's post-pandemic society. For the countries of Eastern Europe, this task is (...)
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  32. Humanitarian security as an educational project.Vitalii Mudrakov, Nataliia Liutko & Olena Hapchenko - 2025 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (2):56-70.
    The article is devoted to the disclosure of the concept of “humanitarian secu­rity” in its educational perspective as an educational project. The authors state the need to protect against hybrid Russian aggression by means of the humani­tarian sphere, emphasizing the humanitarian nature of hybrid Russian aggres­sion. Based on the peculiarities of understanding and defining the humanitar­ian sphere in Ukraine, education is defined as a key aspect of this security. The authors point out the need for and consider the possibility of (...)
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  33.  13
    Civil Socialization of Youth in the Conditions of the Postmodern Information Society.Yaroslava Yurkiv & Nataliia Krasnova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):74-90.
    The article deals with the analysis of the problem of civil socialization of youth in Ukraine in conditions of postmodern information society. The authors analyze definitions and main characteristics of civil socialization, define the role of information and communication in the process of civil socialization of youth, outline mechanisms of civil socialization of youth in the information society, represent the results of the conducted survey dealing with the peculiarities of civil socialization of the youth of Ukraine in postmodern information society. (...)
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    Silence as an Argument and a Manifestation of Respect in the Argumentation in John Locke's Works.Olena Shcherbyna & Nataliia Shcherbyna - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):6-18.
    In the article, referring to the method of rational reconstruction described by R. Rorty, an analysis of some works of J. Locke has been made in order to identify new prospects in John Locke's philosophy researches. As a result, it’s been demonstrated the presence of silence as an argument and a manifestation of respect J. Locke’s research of realms of cognition, political philosophy and philosophy of education. This is not covered in modern John Locke's philosophy researches. The authors emphasize that (...)
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  35.  29
    Foreign Language Education in Eastern Europe in the Historical and Postmodern Discourse.Iryna Onishchuk, Natalya Bidyuk, Tetiana Doroshenko, Olha Zastelo, Elena Kokhanovska, Svitlana Yatsiv & Nataliia Ishchuk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):107-120.
    It is foreign languages that allow one to carry out one’s professional duties at the international level, in particular in the academic field. Besides, they are recognized as a key to the development of human culture, which opens new opportunities for international integration and deepens cultural, intellectual and communicative functions of languages. Considering its historical post-totalitarian specifics and social roles, the development of foreign language education in higher education institutions in Eastern Europe, in particular Ukraine, includes materialist and pragmatic and (...)
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  36.  29
    Friedrich Nietzsche and Information Society: Dangers of the Radical Social Division.Ihor Vdovychyn, Viktoriya Bun & Nataliia Khoma - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (2):127-140.
    The purpose of the article is to analyse Friedrich Nietzsche’s ideas about the radical social division of society and the domination of the elite over the masses in the context of the latest socio-economic, technological and political realities of the post-industrial society. The authors emphasize the existing social demand for the study of threats that arise from social divisions due to the influence of the information society. In these processes, the authors trace a peculiar kind of recent interpretation of Nietzsche’s (...)
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  37.  34
    The Concept of an Individual Style in Postmodern Architectural Graphics.Oksana Perepelytsia, Valentyna Hryhorieva, Olena Konshyna, Kateryna Kucherenko, Nataliia Melnyk, Nataliia Kubrysh & Svitlana Karpova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):331-349.
    The article deals with the essence and genesis of an individual style in postmodern architectural graphics as a special signature of creativity. It considers conceptual and terminological issues regarding the concept of “architecture”, “architectural graphics”, and “an individual style”. Besides, the article shows that the knowledge of architectural graphics makes it a powerful visual tool in any kind of design activity. In the current post-industrial period, manual graphics acts as an individual unit. An individual style is always formed based on (...)
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    Innovative Teaching Technologies in Postmodern Education: Foreign and Domestic Experience.Olena Haidamaka, Yuliia Kolisnyk-Humeniuk, Liudmyla Storizhko, Tetiana Marchenko, Iryna Poluboiaryna & Nataliia Bilova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):159-172.
    The article provides a theoretical analysis of the study of the issue of introducing innovations into educational activities on the basis of foreign and domestic experience of postmodern education. The essence of the problem of introducing innovative technologies in the system of postmodern education in the countries of the world and in Ukraine is revealed. The role of the teacher's professional competence in the application of innovative techniques for organizing the educational process was emphasized. The essential features of postmodern tendencies (...)
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  39.  17
    Study of Gender Conceptual Sphere: Historiography of the Question.Myroslava Chornodon, Nadiia Gryshkova, Natalia Myronova, Bozhena Ivanytska, Nataliia Semen & Natalia Demchenko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):15-33.
    The article attempts to analyze the concept of gender, study philosophical preconditions of its emergence and trace the main postmodern aspects of the gender category. It proves that gender research in the postmodern era is not identical to the theories of feminism. It deals with social life of both sexes, their behavior, roles, characteristics, common and different between them, the social relationships of the sexes, considering the world from the standpoint of both socio-gender groups. The article shows that an urgent (...)
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    Bioethics as an Anthropological Challenge.Ludmila Kondratska, Liudmila Romanovska, Tetiana Kravchyna, Nataliia Korolova & Kateryna Oliynyk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):61-75.
    The subject of the proposed paper is the disclosure of prerequisites and determinants of the implementation of the soteriological concept of studying the interdisciplinary course of bioethics, the structural model and synectic algorithm of its comprehension and epistemological map of formation of soteriological competence of the future specialist during the study of bioethics. The methodological basis for the implementation of the proposed project is the theory of research-oriented professional education and, thereafter, technology of advanced learning, which provide wide opportunities to (...)
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  41.  15
    The Development of a System of Local Self-Government in the Countries of the Visegrad Group in the Conditions of Postmodern Society.Vasyl Marchuk, Vasyl Hladiy, Nataliia Holubiak, Vasyl Dudkevych & Vasyl Melnychuk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The development of the countries of Eastern Europe as a democratic legal state is primarily determined by how rational and efficient the organization of state power is. Recently, one can observe a tendency for riveted attention to change from central to local government, which is represented by local authorities. Local self-government is one of the fundamental democratic foundations of the constitutional system in postmodern society. That is why its modern transformation is being updated by the role of the most important (...)
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    Shaping a Values-Based Attitude toward Human in the Context of Postmodernism via the Structural-Functional Model.Olena Stoliarenko, Oksana Stoliarenko, Anna Oberemok, Tetiana Belan, Nataliia Piasetska & Maryna Shpylova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):173-189.
    The problem of shaping a values-based attitude toward humans requires complex, universal, and multilevel solutions. Another side of the problem lies in the postmodern devaluation of classical values that has caused a crisis in the education of the younger generations. The article presents the author’s conceptual, scientific-methodical, structural-functional model and technology for shaping a values-based attitude toward humans by stages in the humanities-oriented educational environment. Given postmodern trends in the post-Soviet countries with “young democracies”, the structural components of this model (...)
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  43.  23
    Development of the Pittsburgh Dialect in the Postmodern Period from the Perspective of the Influence of Sociolinguistic Factors.Kateryna Vukolova, Vira Zirka, Nataliia Styrnik, Tetiana Smoliana & Lyudmyla Kulakevych - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):420-435.
    The relevance of the work is determined, first of all, by a new perspective on the speech variability analysis depending on the influence of selected extralingual factors: gender, ethnicity, social status and age, which, of course, corresponds to the current state of the linguistic development and growing interest in disclosure of the influence of social factors on the functioning of language in different territories, as well as the application of an ecolinguistic approach to the analysis of Pittsburgh dialect sociolinguistic differentiation. (...)
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    Developing Communicative Professional Competence in Future Economic Specialists in the Conditions of Postmodernism.Oksana Zahorodna, Volodymyr Saienko, Hanna Tolchieva, Nataliia Tymoshchuk, Tetiana Kulinich & Natalya Shvets - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):77-96.
    A detailed analysis of psycho-pedagogical, methodological and linguistic sources in the article has allowed one to justify and build a holistic model of developing communicative professional competence in economics students. This author’s model includes the interrelated components of communicative professional activities, criteria for their assessment and levels of communicative professional competence in economics students. The following pedagogical conditions have been presented in the context of the research: modelling probable professional communicative situations in the educational process; ensuring communicative professional orientation of (...)
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  45.  20
    Dialogue in the Philosophical and Educational Postmodern View.Halyna Zhukova, Olha Vashevich, Oksana Patlaichuk, Tetiana Shvets, Nataliia Torchynska & Iryna Maidaniuk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):303-320.
    The article analyses the modern assimilations of the definition ‘dialog’ and its rendering by the world academic community. Attention is drawn to the exceptional empirical significance of dialogics as a general scientific universal. The etymology of dialogue as a key category of philosophical, educational and pedagogical knowledge is identified. The evolution of the lead notionalists` ideas about the kernel and nature of dialogue that are relevant of the humanity itself, human mind and constant search of true knowledge is studied. A (...)
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  46.  20
    Human Capital Management Under the Conditions of the Postmodern Society in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Safety of the Enterprise.Zinaida Zhyvko, Iryna Gorban, Nadiia Marushko, Maryna Korzh & Nataliia Korogod - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):267-283.
    In today's conditions of postmodern space the most significant resource of the modern economy, which is being formed in the leading countries of economic development, is human capital. The main goal of the article is to study the process of managing the formation of human capital in the functioning postmodern society as the basis of the national economy and ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. The basic components of human capital are determined on the basis of the analysis. It (...)
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  47.  19
    Exploring the Experience of the World's Leading Countries in Inclusive Growth as Part of the Post-Industrial Economy: Challenges and Perspectives.Zoriana Gontar, Vasyl Marchuk, Olena Durman, Nataliia Denkovych & Vasyl Dudkevych - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):222-237.
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    Psychologist's Resilience to Stress Factors: Exploring Psychological Peculiarities.Iryna Ievtushenko, Svitlana Avramchenko, Olena Nezhynska, Nataliia Ortikova & Svitlana Khilko - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:169-177.
    In the context of the socio-political instability that exists in Ukraine, the problem of stress resistance among psychological service professionals has emerged. The aim of the research is to analyse the professional activity of psychologists in Ukraine at the present stage under the influence of stress factors. The following methods were used to study the nature of stress and its impact on the personality of a psychologist: analytical and synthesis methods, statistical, comparative, survey and interpretive methods. The research results theoretically (...)
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    Realization of Future Teacher’s Mental Space in the Process of Bite-Sized Learning.Tetiana Kravchyna, Ludmyla Kondratska, Liudmila Romanovska, Nataliia Korolova & Tatiana Gudz - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):97-117.
    As there are contradictions in the digital technology: 1) a tool for professional growth and 2) a tool for imposing a prepared scenario of achieving success on the subject, ignoring the principle of environmental compliance, our study aims to substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the model of realization of modern student’s mental experience. Moreover, the technology of programming as philosophizing in the BSL format is considered to be an element in the humanization of geeks culture in the situation (...)
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  50. Fostering Sustainable Tourism in Global Economy.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko - 2018 - Revista ESPACIOS 42 (39):27.
    The study of the essence of the sustainable tourism, transformation of the modern functions of global tourism, rethinking of its basic principles made it possible to form the conceptual framework of the sustainable tourism. The conditions for promotion of the sustainable tourism to the world market and the factors of impact on its development in the global economy have been determined. The technique for calculation of the tourism sustainability index, taking into account the anthropogenic factor, was improved.
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